Underwater Canyon, Mediterranean Sea, France
Category: Underwater Pictures from France
Spirographe (Spirographis spallanzani), Mediterranean sea
Spirographe (Spirographis spallanzani), Mediterranean sea
The Spirograph is a sea worm living in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean and in the North Sea.
This animal, living and fixed on a rock wall, can be seen up to 40 meters deep in the water. Being able to measure up to 35 centimeters long, this animal deploys from its mouth a feather duster of filaments enabling to catch its food and some air. The stem of this sea flower is in reality a tube made out of mucus and sand by the worm.
Mediterranean red sea star (Echinaster sepositus)
Mediterranean red sea star (Echinaster sepositus), France, Mediterranean Sea
Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris)
The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) arms can length up to 1 meter long
Spiny starfish (Marthasterias glacialis)
Spiny starfish (Marthasterias glacialis)
Cave diving, Landenouse Resurgence, Lot, France
Cave diving, Landenouse Resurgence, Lot, France
Lac Pavin, France
Lac pavin, France
Under the Ice, Pavin’s lake, France
Under the Ice, Pavin’s lake, France