Lac pavin, France
Raja Ampat or “Four Kings” is an archipelago composed by four main islands among some 1500 thousands others Islands.
This indonesian archipelago is situated along the border between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Consequently, the marine species coming from both of these oceans meets in the Raja Ampat. The Raja Ampat displays about 75% of the coral species known all over the world. Raja Ampat is possibly the richest coral reef ecosystem in the world.
Although it is impossible to show all of the Raja Ampat biodiversity in few pictures, the following ones will offer a sample of the colors and the shapes there are encountered in Raja Ampat.
Nudibranch (Chromodoris coi)
Red Sea, Egypt
Egypt, Red Sea
Under the Ice, Pavin’s lake, France
Yellowspotted trevallies
Here is a selection of images taken during dives in the Red Sea, in the Egyptian side.
This series includes images of wildlife, such as coral, turtle, etc … but also some photographs taken on ones of the many wrecks littering the Red Sea.
Continue reading“Egypt: Diving the Red Sea”
Egypt – Green Turtle
Manta Ray
Egypt – Red Sea
The whole of those pictures was taken in Indonesia at Komodo National Park.
Komodo National Park is an ideal destination for those who wants to dive and discover at the same time all the aspects of coral reef life.
Many species of nudibranchs rub elbows with strange crustaceans such as anemon shrimps or carry crabs, while gigantic manta rays compete against the world smallest seahorse, the pygmy.
Continue reading“Indonesia: Diving Komodo”
The experts may certainly recognize Moray, Manta Ray, Clown fish, Parrotfish, Squid and Cuttlefish, different species of hard and soft corals, and some Shellfishes.
Have a good dive!
Andaman Sea location
Night shot of a squid
Lion Fish
Yellow head moray
Clark’s anemone fish
Banded cleaner shrimp (Stenopus hispidus)
Hiby’s coriocella (Coriocella hibyae)
Manta ray
A blenny try to get hide inside a coral hole
Inside the anemone
Coral hind (Cephalopholis miniata)
Hermit crab
Cuttlefishes and diver
Sea star
Bubble coral
Anemone-Fish in its anemone nest
Manta Ray